Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reflections of concept maps.

Chandelle       -     Axolotl

1.  I learned that they never leave the larva stage. They call this Neotenic.

2.  This is interesting because it is so different than the way we reproduce and the way we usually think of reproduction.

3.  As a teacher this gives me an example from nature of how our idea of "normal" needs to be widened.

Ana         -      Solar System

1.  I learned that Venus travels counter-clockwise and is hotter than Mercury.

2.  I would have thought Mercury, being closer to the sun, would be the hottest.

3.  This will remind me that what seems obvious is not always correct.

Leandra        -          Rainforest Eco-Systems

1.  I don't ever remember hearing about the Emergent layer.

2.  I find it interesting that above the canopy there is a whole system that would be invisible to a traveler on the forest floor.

3.  Many things in life are out of plain view. It will take effort to see them.

David       -           World Religions

1.  I was unaware of different sects of Satanism.  I had never heard of LaVegan or Theistic Satanism.

2.  It makes me think a course in comparative religion might be worth the time and effort.

3.  I need to be cautious and not assume that the little I know about some things is accurate.

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