Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reflections of the Concept - Maps Darrell Mays

Ball Pythons – Ken
  1. I learned that Tuatara’s are a reptile.
  2. I thought this was interesting because Ken broke down snakes by their eating methods.
  3. As a teacher we must remember to present information in a fashion that kids will be interested in.

Seasons on Earth – Maria
  1. I learned that there are season simulations on-line.
  2. I thought this was interesting because Maria incorporated an on-line tool to demonstrate the seasons.
  3. As a teacher we must capture people’s imagination so that they engage in the learning process.

World Religions – David
  1. I learned that the classifications of religion can be very hazy.
  2. I thought this was interesting because David broke down many of the major beliefs and had a good grasp on each of them.
  3. As a teacher we must remember that everyone comes from different backgrounds and a little understanding can go a long ways in connection with students.

Emotions – Lindsey
  1. I learned that children are emotion driven and that needing a nap is an emotion.
  2. I thought this was interesting because Lindsey broke down how she would teach instead of demonstrated because we were outside of the range in which this was intended.
  3. As a teacher we must always remember to build your classes to the capabilities and limitations of your intended audience.

Balloons – Josiann
  1. I learned that the first balloon flight was in a town in France.
  2. I thought this was interesting because Josiann kept the concept of the map simple and easy to follow.
  3. As a teacher we must remember to keep information in easily digestible chunks.

Reflections on the Concept Maps In Class- by Chandelle

1) Leandra- Rain Forest Ecosystem
I already knew that there were 4 layers in the rain forests. I forgot what their names were. Emergent, Canopy, Under-story, and Forrest Floor.

I find this topic interesting because every layer has its own type of structure and different types of animals live in each environment.

As a teacher this topic can be very helpful not just informing the students of the rain forest but to also allow them to understand that even though organisms live in the same place, their locations in the place are vastly different.

2) Josiann- Hot Air Balloons
I learned that there are 5 main parts to all hot air balloons no matter the shape of the outer hull.

I found this topic interesting because I love seeing the Hot Air Balloons sail in the morning sky, as a resident of  NM I didn't know how prominent NM was in the Hot Air Balloon Society

As a teacher this information can help me by showing the students in my science class how we as humans have evolved our transportation options by use of science. (hot air rises)

3) David- World Religions
I learned that there are a vast amount of religions out there and they are all interconnected more so then i thought.

I find this interesting because i always here about how different religions are fighting to be unique but in reality a lot of them are all derivatives of similar stories,

As a teacher this information will allow me to incorporate different cultural backgrounds into my teachings and know that even though some of my students practice multiple different religions, that most of the major ones have things in common not only in spirit, but in cultures based off religions.

4) Darrell- Difficult Language Decisions for Parents with Deaf children.
I knew that there were difficulties with parents had when they find out that their children are Deaf. But the thing I learned was that it is actually quite difficult to convay the information that parents need into a "simple" brochure type information sheet.

I find this interesting because I would love to some day be an American Sign Language Interpreter.

As a teacher I find this information important because I may have a student whose sibling/or themselves is Deaf and they are having a hard time at home.

5)  Ana- The 4 closest planets to our Sun
I learned that the two hottest planets in our Solar System are Mercury and Venus, that Venus rotates ,oposite of all the other planets in our Solar System, and that Mars has the tallest mountains in the Solar System.

I find this interesting because I love Astronomy.

As a teacher I can use this information in our Earth Sciences Course to help make the subject more intriguing to my students.

Reflections of concept maps.

Chandelle       -     Axolotl

1.  I learned that they never leave the larva stage. They call this Neotenic.

2.  This is interesting because it is so different than the way we reproduce and the way we usually think of reproduction.

3.  As a teacher this gives me an example from nature of how our idea of "normal" needs to be widened.

Ana         -      Solar System

1.  I learned that Venus travels counter-clockwise and is hotter than Mercury.

2.  I would have thought Mercury, being closer to the sun, would be the hottest.

3.  This will remind me that what seems obvious is not always correct.

Leandra        -          Rainforest Eco-Systems

1.  I don't ever remember hearing about the Emergent layer.

2.  I find it interesting that above the canopy there is a whole system that would be invisible to a traveler on the forest floor.

3.  Many things in life are out of plain view. It will take effort to see them.

David       -           World Religions

1.  I was unaware of different sects of Satanism.  I had never heard of LaVegan or Theistic Satanism.

2.  It makes me think a course in comparative religion might be worth the time and effort.

3.  I need to be cautious and not assume that the little I know about some things is accurate.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

1.       One thing I learned was- birds and turtles are just as closely related to true reptiles

2.       This was interesting because- I didn’t know that there were different subcategories to reptiles.

3.       As a teacher this concept will help- because if I am teaching about reptiles I won’t give them false information.



1.       One thing I learned was- sign language is different in different countries.

2.       This was interesting because-  I thought sign language was universal

3.       As a teacher this concept will help- because I can teach students how other cultures communicate differently even while using sign language.



1.       One thing I learned was- the amphibian, axolotl can breathe in four different ways.

2.       This was interesting because- these animals can breathe through their lungs, gills, skin, and throat.

3.       As a teacher this concept will help- because it is a really interesting fact about a unique animal.



1.       One thing I learned was- balloons were the first invention for air travel

2.       This was interesting because- I learned that balloons were a pretty huge deal when they were first invented because no one ever traveled through the skies up until the balloons.

3.       As a teacher this concept will help- because this is a huge part of human history.



1.       One thing I learned was- Venus rotates around the sun opposed to all the other planets.

2.       This was interesting because- I thought all of the planets rotated around the sun the same way, so it’s good to learn something new that I should have known this since elementary.

3.       As a teacher this concept will help- because I can teach students a quick fun fact in astrology.

Reflections on Concept maps


I learned that it is better to call, someone with hearing loss, “deaf” then “hearing impaired”

This was interesting because, the history of ASL is very rough, but very universal and multi-cultural

This is importing to learn or teach so people will get a better understanding of those that are around us that are deaf.



I learned that with Hinduism you can pick which ever God you want to worship

This was interesting because there are so many different religions and many different categories they fall in.

This is important to teach and learn so students can learn of the different ways people live.



I learned that the slimmer balloon are made to be more efficient.

This was very interesting to learn how they keep the balloon from going up in flames

This would be a great science leasson learning about hot air rises




When its Summer on one side its winter on the other side.

This was very interesting it made me actually think about what seasons are happening and when they are

This would be a great lessons for kids to learn about the different seasons



Things I learned Esports are like League of Legions

This was interesting because I literally didn’t know anything about esports

Teaching this can teach kids how to use live streaming and working technology


Concept Maps Reflections

Concepts of language options for the deaf
1. ASL is similar in many was to French Sign Language, as it was created in some ways from it.
2. This was interesting because I wasn’t too aware of the other options outside of ASL.
3. This info is important because it shows that there are more options than just ASL.

Hot Air Balloon
1. First balloon flight took place in France.
2. This is interesting because balloons seem like a simple concept, but in practice are a little more           complex.
3. This info is important because it has a cultural relevance here in New Mexico.

Human Cell
1. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
2. This is interesting because for being so small, the cell is a complex piece of biology.
3. This info is important because it is a main point of high school biology.

Rain forest Ecosystem
1. There are four “layers” that build the rain forest.
2. This is interesting because it is a foreign ecosystem to anything we have in the United States.
3. This info is important because the rain forest is an important part of the global ecosystem and its         disappearing at an alarming rate.

1. ESports are organized in regular seasons much like athletic sports.
2. It is interesting because it’s a new development in our ever increasing tech era.
3. This info is important because this may be the “sports of the future.”

Reflections on Darrell's Concept Map

One thing I learned was that coclear implants result in total deafness if the procedure fails.

This was interesting because I watched a TV show that had the characters responding negatively to the procedure and I did not understand why.

This will be important as a teacher as I come in contact with people in the deaf community.