Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Marijuana Facts Presentation
4pts 3pts 2pt 1pt
Information on the topic student shows clear understanding of the topic and what is said in the text student understands most of the information in the text but forgot a few key details. student discusses a few details about the text but doesn’t present much important information student doesn’t present any information based on the text
posture and tone speaks clearly, makes frequent eye contact with the audience, seldom looks at notes speaks clear for the most part, not much eye contact with the audience, frequently looks at notes speaks clear for the most part, not much eye contact with the audience,  constantly looks at notes hard to understand, not much eye contact, and is constantly looking at notes
creativity presents in a very unique way (singing, rapping, making jokes, etc.) and is very entertaing to the audience presents in a unique way (singing, rapping, making jokes, etc.) and catches the attention of the audience presents in an average way but still catches the attention of the audience presents in an average way and does not catch the attention of the audience
organization clear from start to finish and presents in a good order clear from start to finish but could have organized thoughts better some parts in the presentation are not clear and could have organized thoughts better  most parts in the presentation are not clear and could have organized thoughts better 

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