Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Marijuana Facts Presentation
4pts 3pts 2pt 1pt
Information on the topic student shows clear understanding of the topic and what is said in the text student understands most of the information in the text but forgot a few key details. student discusses a few details about the text but doesn’t present much important information student doesn’t present any information based on the text
posture and tone speaks clearly, makes frequent eye contact with the audience, seldom looks at notes speaks clear for the most part, not much eye contact with the audience, frequently looks at notes speaks clear for the most part, not much eye contact with the audience,  constantly looks at notes hard to understand, not much eye contact, and is constantly looking at notes
creativity presents in a very unique way (singing, rapping, making jokes, etc.) and is very entertaing to the audience presents in a unique way (singing, rapping, making jokes, etc.) and catches the attention of the audience presents in an average way but still catches the attention of the audience presents in an average way and does not catch the attention of the audience
organization clear from start to finish and presents in a good order clear from start to finish but could have organized thoughts better some parts in the presentation are not clear and could have organized thoughts better  most parts in the presentation are not clear and could have organized thoughts better 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I would like to share a website that I plan to use soon in my special ed class.  It is .  It includes lots of free and fun things for my students that are designed for their specific needs.


So for the websites for teachers and students, David showed me two great sites!
 The first one he showed me was TED. this site was cool, it had many different topics to choose from.
He also showed me a really cool vocabulary site ( it was very fun to mess with, any site like this one is a very great site! i know i will defiantly use this site!

Weblist Reflection

For the teaching website resource I found that I liked that Chandelle showed tonight. It had many resources and activities that looked engaging.

For the student website I had fun working with doing science experiments. I especially liked the videos that accompanied the experiments. Using multiple teaching methods addresses the many ways that people learn and accommodates for this in an attempt to get the ideas across to the student.

Website Reflection

Summer shared a website that is useful for both teachers and students:

For teachers it has experiment plans that a teacher can use in the classroom (such as a vinegar volcano which sounds like the coolest experiment ever!) (I never did get to make a volcano in school...) The site also provides several lesson and videos.

In addition to being useful for teachers, the site provides several games that further the lesson and provide great amounts of information on several science topics.


I also really liked one of my websites so much that I just had to mention it here:

This site has quizzes that are more designed as a game, with scores and such. It also provides a feature that allows you a student to formulate a vocab list for upcoming tests and quizzes the student on the list they provided.

I loved the website that Darrell gave us.

Its very informational with lesson plans on how to build poems and it seems like it would be very helpful as teaching poems can be difficult.

The teacher website that I liked the most was It has a lot of lesson plans and ideas that looked very helpful. When I become a teacher and I need some ideas I might check this website out for inspiration.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend


I hope everyone had a wonderful 3 day weekend. I know I did because I didn't have to work or go to school on Monday.  Just sitting here thinking about all the things to come and I have to say i am most excited about this coming weekend. My puppy, Harper, is just shy over 4 months and we are starting puppy classes! She is a little German Sheppard.

OK so to elaborate on my last post on the about me. I am going for my Teaching Elementary Degree, will be transferring to NM Highlands, and through there I will be getting my dual BA in Ele/Spec Ed. I am currently an EA at Lincoln Middle School up in Rio Rancho.

Again hope everyone had a good weekend and I will see you tomorrow night!!!

Chandelle Rivera
Hello everyone,

I wanted to share an interesting website that I use for my college classes. It is Cram and it has an app for smart phones as well. In this free website you can create flash cards to study in a couple different ways. The site is fairly easy to use and  I would suggest this resource to any student / parent to assist in educational pursuits.

Have a great week!
Darrell Mays

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I'm Here

I am Ken Brooks.  I am presently an Educational Assistant at West Mesa High School.  I have an A.A. degree in Liberal Studies from Fresno City College and am finishing some prerequisites before transferring to NM Highlands University.  I will be a Special Education major with a Gifted endorsement.

I have many interests including:; reading, hiking, baseball, National Parks, cooking, baking, history, and chess.
My name is Julio Aguayo but I'll rather be called Cesar. I am really looking forward to becoming a teacher because I want to make an impact on the future by inspiring kids to make the most out of their lives, mainly by influencing them to go to college.


Hello, my name is David Sample (yep, that's my last name unfortunately...)

My aim is to teach high school English or History or whatever. My main love is film so I'd love to teach film studies sometime.


Herrow! Welcome!

 My name is Chandelle Rivera, some people call me Ziare or Red.  I am a Fire Dancer and Belly Dancer. I am going for Education  Hopefully in middle school. I used to be a Fire Fighter/EMT.


Hello my name is Darrell, but I am also known as Badger. I am striving to get a Masters in Social Work so I can work with hearing parents with Deaf children. My hobbies are fire performing and medieval fighting.

Hello! =^.^=

Hello friends! Im Summer Wilkins, and I hope you got my lovely invitation  to this wonderful blog we will be using this semester! <3
So a little about me, I just recently graduated from West Mesa HighSchool, class of 2015! I am so excited to be a teacher, I am mainly looking to teach highschool freshmen, although i do also have a love for teaching colorguard (band colorguard not ROTC).  At this point, i reallly dont know what to say anymore.